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LeighAnn Mantis

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(Personal Information)
== Biography ==
== Biography ==
infancy to age 8: Basically raised on Vulcan by Spock from infancy to the age of 8. Spock then insisted I learn human agressiveness on Qonos while retaining custody of me.
age 8 to age 18: The Klingons were good to me and I was like one. At 18, Worf insisted I go to Starfleet Academy Earth to learn the honorable ways of doing good.
age 18 to age 22: Attended Starfleet Earth Academy
Graduated honorably.
age 23 to age 26: Fought in the Dominion War
age 26 to age 28: After the treaty was signed, I lived in disguise on Cardassia a while while helping rebuild the society.
age 29 to age 31: Lived on Bajor in disguise.
age 32 to age 37: Kidnapped by survivor rebel Jem Hadar and Breen and forced into consortship but no pregnancy came of it and it was long forced torture....
age 38 - 43: escaped captivity and hid on Deep Space Nine as a refugee and worked as a crewman on the Defiant and on the station, gaining experience in Science and Communications, as well as learning Command tactics....
age 43 to 47: served on the USS Enterprise D, E, and F under Captain Jean-Luc Picard.
age 48 to 51: Served on the USS Titan under Captain Riker.
age 51 to 60: Returned to Starfleet Earth and worked up through different colleges, taking classes and gaining qualifications.
age 61: In light of Cardassian rebels trying to annex what they lost in the Dominion War, resurrected the Maquis with B'Elanna Torres and Chakotay. Disguised as a Bajoran for this.
age 61 - 70: Served within the Maquis as a Federation spy.
age 70: While on a supply mission for the Maquis, I got thrown off course by a displacement wave and sent into a space-time singularity and crash landed on Majel, at the welcome center.
Stardate Progression in the Gamma Quadrant of the future
Age is disregarded due to massive time shift...
Promoted to Full Lieutenant on November 14,2009
Given USS Victory on November 14,2009
XO - Selena Mavinelli as of 091212
Medical - Stri Jovinavic as of 091211
Selena Mavinell disbarred as of 091217
XO- Shalmendo Glineux as of 091217
Courses Passed so far:
History of UFGQ - Stardate 090827
Intro to Leadership - Stardate 091204
Intro to Security - Stardate 091207
Intro to Borg - Stardate 091208
Intro to Romulan - Stardate 091209
Regulations and Protocols - Stardate 091210
Academy Instructor Certification
Stardate 091123
In between courses and progressing in rank, I discovered a formula for travelling through time and space and, as a result, I ended up in the time of Jonathan Archer.
After serving in secret, Jonathan and I fell in love and married. Shortly after I became pregnant, the Xindi found out about me from the traitor T'Pol and Jonathan helped me back to this time, still pregnant.....
B'Elanna Leighann Archer was born at 1903h (7:33 P.M.) on Stardate 091204 in Majel Sickbay by Doctor Khol McDonnell and Intern Margot Lorefield. It was witnessed by Bastet Lyon.
== Commendations ==
== Commendations ==

Revision as of 23:39, 29 December 2009

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